
Taxonomy of Transaction Fees in Smart Contracts

Taxonomy of Transaction Fees in Smart Contracts

Original Postby instagibbs

Posted on: February 2, 2024 14:51 UTC

The email presents concerns regarding the representation of certain elements in a diagram, specifically the meaning of "conflicted" when depicted with a dashed arrow.

The sender is questioning the clarity of this symbolism and points out that an input is identified as conflicting when it meets something in the mempool, suggesting it is a Replace-by-Fee (RBF) transaction. However, the sender expresses uncertainty about this interpretation and seems to be seeking confirmation or further explanation.

The sender also references having started to read an original post, which might contain information relevant to the discussion but does not provide explicit details on this within the provided context. The sender's tone indicates a level of confusion or a lack of confidence in the understanding of the diagrammatic representation being discussed.

Overall, the email conveys a need for clarification on the use of visual symbols to represent complex concepts within diagrams, highlighting the sender's effort to understand or improve the conveyed information. The mention of RBF transactions suggests the subject matter pertains to cryptocurrency transactions and their status within a network's mempool, which is a critical aspect for those familiar with blockchain technology.