
V3 transaction policy for anti-pinning

V3 transaction policy for anti-pinning

Original Postby instagibbs

Posted on: January 7, 2024 20:27 UTC

The email raises a technical inquiry regarding the handling of ephemeral anchor type fee bump transactions in the realm of Bitcoin transaction processing.

Specifically, it questions the necessity of permitting more than one unconfirmed ancestor for such transactions. The sender suggests that allowing multiple unconfirmed ancestors could be beneficial for batched Child-Pays-For-Parent (CPFP) scenarios, which is a method used to speed up the confirmation of a transaction by attaching a higher fee to another transaction that is a child of the original one.

However, the sender also expresses concern regarding the lack of pin-resistant designs, implying that there is no known method to implement this feature while also preventing mempool pinning. Mempool pinning is a situation where a transaction with a low fee rate can block its child transactions from being confirmed, effectively 'pinning' them in the mempool, which is the holding area for unconfirmed transactions.

Despite these insights, the sender seems unsure about the potential tactics that could be applied if only the anchor itself remains unconfirmed and requests a rewording or further clarification of the question to better understand the possibilities and implications associated with mempool pinning tactics in such cases. This indicates an ongoing discussion or exploration into the nuances of Bitcoin transaction processing and optimization, revealing the complexity and depth of thought that goes into enhancing the efficiency and security of cryptocurrency transactions.