
64 bit arithmetic soft fork

64 bit arithmetic soft fork

Original Postby Chris_Stewart_5

Posted on: January 13, 2024 14:59 UTC

In the discussion, there's an acknowledgement of a critique regarding the handling of literals in a programming context, specifically referencing OP_1, OP_2, etc.

The issue at hand concerns the necessity to differentiate between literals such as OP_1 and a variant like OP_1_64, which indicates a difference in byte value size—8 bytes versus 1 byte. This differentiation is significant because it ensures that numeric values remain consistent in size when pushed onto the stack during code execution. However, within the script, exceptions are made where literals do not adhere to this 8-byte standard, as exemplified by OP_0, OP_1. This conversation illustrates the complexity in managing data types and sizes within a programming language or framework, emphasizing the importance of maintaining consistency while allowing for necessary exceptions.