
Adding New BIP Editors

Adding New BIP Editors

Original Postby Michael Folkson

Posted on: April 2, 2024 08:18 UTC

The discussion highlights the involvement and contributions of various programmers within the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) framework.

A noteworthy point is the co-authorship of merged BIPs by individuals such as Michaelfolkson, Murchandamus, and Rubensomsen. Specifically, Murchandamus and Somsen have been recognized for their draft BIPs concerning terminology and Silent Payments, respectively. The dialogue acknowledges the importance of being familiar with the BIP process, suggesting that authoring or co-authoring a merged BIP could serve as an indicator of such familiarity.

Furthermore, a minor correction is made to acknowledge another contributor's involvement in the BIP process. It is mentioned that Jonatack has also co-authored a merged BIP, specifically BIP 343, which pertains to Taproot activation. Although this particular BIP is described as relatively short, its association with Taproot activation underlines its significance within the broader context of Bitcoin protocol development. This exchange underscores the collaborative efforts and technical contributions of community members towards enhancing and refining the Bitcoin protocol through the BIP process.